For those who have made a New Years resolution to lose weight.

No Pain No Gain

I think that I will diet
I really must lose weight
Cut out all the goodies
A new figure to create

I need to lose a good few pounds
Well in truth a good few stone
It's not going to be easy
For overweight I have grown

I put it down to Christmas
And all that excessive food
Yes I suppose the odd bottle
In the end did me no good

Yes all that pigging out
Has left me feeling less than great
If I don't start that diet
What will be my fate?

I'll cut out all the sweet things
Restrict the calories that I eat
Exercising a bit every day
At last I'll be able to see my feet

Footnote: For those using the metric system of weight: 2.2 pounds equals 1 kilogram. 1 Stone equals 6.35 kilograms.

Poetry by Albert
Read 1524 times
Written on 2006-01-06 at 01:08

Tags Humorous  Hope  Resolutions 

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I agree with Teala, it has humor but at the same time its very serious, it talks about a very serious issue. I was smiling the whole time I read it!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Amanda K
wow you gotta fight it and the first step as i see here writing this excellent inspiring piece.

thanks 4 sharing it,

Very good, I love the humour behind this, as well as being serious--I am currently having my own "battle of the bulge"!!

Great stuff Albert, made me grin from ear to ear,I over indulged but seem to get away with it all the time,I wish you luck my friend :-)))