Yet one other take on the Human Divinity and spontaneous thoughts about love, sex, religion and life in general.

...the human divinity


Virginity, a state of purity

The innocence got lost on its way

A place so fervid seductive, come what may

Divinity, thy name is woman

It lies in our nature to muse and adore

Take a look around, we're still asking for more

Fertility, that delicate survival bit

Devoted to each other in every single way

One live in great danger, no matter what they say

Deity, to worship our selfs

Devoted to one and other in each every way

One is in doubt, how many does it take to pray

Duallity, there is always two

All there is, ever was and ever will be

Born into couples, which one is you, which one is me?

Mortality, what's buried alive?

Here lies our hopes, here lies our dreams

Nothing, and only nothing, is what it seems

Poetry by TheLine
Read 1237 times
Written on 2007-06-22 at 14:29

Tags Love  Religion  Life 

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