just for the love of my life in hopes you will see what you really mean to me.
Today I received a thorn from a rose
And when I touched it,
A drop of blood came out
Reminding me
That you are far and absent,
And no matter how much I extend my arms,
To reach you...
I just can't,
And in that instant,
A drop of honey from the rose,
Took my anguish away.
Remember my darling
Never will there be any pain,
From something so beautiful that God created.
Let's take care of this love of ours,
Like a new born child,
So it will grow strong, and healthy,
So no one could ever, intervene in or perturb,
This immense love,
We have for each other,
That gives us pure joy,
And that way
We will be fulfilled of our happiness,
And only the petals from the roses
That you...
Had send me today,
Could be used for a carpet,
With the beautiful smell of perfume,
Consuming the air that we breathe,
That someday together,
We will walk down this path,
Hand in hand thru eternity.
Poetry by TeeTee
Read 812 times
Written on 2007-06-27 at 04:28
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A Rose Path Thru Eternity....
My love,Today I received a thorn from a rose
And when I touched it,
A drop of blood came out
Reminding me
That you are far and absent,
And no matter how much I extend my arms,
To reach you...
I just can't,
And in that instant,
A drop of honey from the rose,
Took my anguish away.
Remember my darling
Never will there be any pain,
From something so beautiful that God created.
Let's take care of this love of ours,
Like a new born child,
So it will grow strong, and healthy,
So no one could ever, intervene in or perturb,
This immense love,
We have for each other,
That gives us pure joy,
And that way
We will be fulfilled of our happiness,
And only the petals from the roses
That you...
Had send me today,
Could be used for a carpet,
With the beautiful smell of perfume,
Consuming the air that we breathe,
That someday together,
We will walk down this path,
Hand in hand thru eternity.
Poetry by TeeTee
Read 812 times
Written on 2007-06-27 at 04:28
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