To my Workout Will the man of my life!!
Even though I need to let him know it more often!!

Workout Will....

W-Wisdom I love evn if he doesn't think
O-Outgoing in every way for me I know
R-respected and loved from me and our
K-Kool and calm he trys to get me
O-Outstanding to be with and talk to
U-Utterly amazing even though I don't
say it much
T-Thoughtful and kind to me all the

W-Wonderful person I am glad to have
I-inspiration he gives me each day of my
L-Loved by many but mainly by his family
(wife & son)
L-Loyal and true till eternally we'll
see it through!!

Poetry by TeeTee
Read 987 times
Written on 2007-07-16 at 04:37

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