Look Into My Eyes....


Look into my eyes and you will see
Just how much you mean to me
You are not alone
Hope is not gone
Search your heart and you will find
I've never left you; I've been there all
the time
I don't know what you are searching for

But don't have to search no more
Realize you don't have to fear
My love is always standing right here
Look into my eyes and you'll know it's
I always here for you (My Prince Will)

Poetry by TeeTee
Read 1079 times
Written on 2007-07-16 at 04:46

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Amanda K
I love how simply and plainly you express your feelings.


Winston Latanafrancia Soldevilla
I am always move by your simple words,especially that you wrote them with sincerity.I believe you are telling the truth. Our eyes are the windows of our soul. Most learned man from the past and even nowadays look at one's eyes to know whether a man is telling the truth or not.
If I am Prince Will , my response will be:

"I'll Be At Your Side
I'll be at your side through thick and thin.
I'll be at your side through laughter and pain.
In all your sorrows, in all your joys,
I'll be at your side just call out my name.
Clouds above the sky afloat.
It passses by like a smoke and seizes its presence
right before your eyes.

I'll Be At Your Side
I'll be at your side through thick and thin.
I'll be at your side through laughter and pain.
In all your sorrows, in all your joys,
I'll be at your side just call out my name.

Clouds above the sky afloat.
It passses by like a smoke and seizes its presence
right before your eyes.

I'll Be At Your Side
I'll be at your side through thick and thin.
I'll be at your side through laughter and pain.
In all your sorrows, in all your joys,
I'll be at your side just call out my name.

Morning Sun wave its rays with fun,
circling earth as it glides through the land
and slowly hide its face
'neath mountain top.


I'll Be At Your Side
I'll be at your side through thick and thin.
I'll be at your side through laughter and pain.
In all your sorrows, in all your joys,
I'll be at your side just call out my name.

Mocking bird moves from tree to tree,
building nest which will last 'till day three,
and constantly changing places as abode.

I'll Be At Your Side
I'll be at your side through thick and thin.
I'll be at your side through laughter and pain.
In all your sorrows, in all your joys,
I'll be at your side just call out my name.

People come and soon they go.
Few of them will return to bestow
the precious and pricesless time
for a friend like you.

I'll Be At Your Side
I'll be at your side through thick and thin.
I'll be at your side through laughter and pain.
In all your sorrows, in all your joys,
I'll be at your side just call out my name.

(lyrics of my unpublished song)

Great work my friend!

Farag M. Afify
God bless you and your cute pure heart. I wish you both the peaceful happy love my dear sensitive Poetess

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Wow young lady what a beautiful poem the love priestess of Bejing I bet well done ryhythmically superb
rgds mike and so evocative of endearing love