Love Goes Sour After A Short While (Pentameters I suppose)

You loved him for his loving heart,
You loved him for his kindly soul;
But then you smelled a liquid fart
Pumped from his bottom hole.

How can one love a human being
Who picks his nose non-stop,
Who splashes when he's peeing
And who never wipes it up?

After love's first glow has gone
(in most cases pretty quickly),
One must move up and ever on
Or love turns black and sickly.

Variety is the spice of life
That's the boast of every he-male;
So go shag someone else's wife
(or hubby if you're female).

Poetry by Edna Sweetlove
Read 967 times
Written on 2007-07-25 at 21:56

Tags Odours  Love  Adultery 

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