Aquamarine Paradise

Standing on the windswept beach
Aquamarine greeting my eyes
In every direction
Beckoning to me

Invitation to immerse myself
Becoming one with paradise
A balm to my weary soul
Pleasure just a footstep away

On the afternoon breeze
I hear the tranquil ocean
Calling to me in a
Language only I understand

I find myself standing
At the waters edge
Inviting me to submerse myself
In paradise

Sliding into the bliss
Smiling my satisfaction
The aquamarine and I merge
The fire in my soul quenched

Poetry by Queen
Read 872 times
Written on 2005-06-28 at 06:38

Tags Happiness 

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chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
i have the urge now to start singing - oh i do wish to be beside the seaside, i do wish to be beside the sea, with my bucket and spade...
seriously thoiugh, a lovely piece, very calming to read. :)