Never will I know what I've done to deserve you, but I am truly glad that I do

As true as true can be


What do I see when I'm looking at you?


I see million stars

when looking in your eyes

Pearls of joy

like fireworks being shot up into the sky

Spreading a feeling of completeness and devotion

and a love that is oh so true

Shivering from a glorious emotion


Just having the right

and the opportunity

of letting my fingertip slowly follow

the fine lines around your eyes

along your face

Following every single little trace

Gives me more pleasure

and fullfillment than you could ever imagine


Being the one to see

All the beauty in thee

That, my dear

is true happiness to me




2007 © Jeanette Louridas

Poetry by Hagzissa
Read 956 times
Written on 2007-11-18 at 12:11

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Amanda K
very sensitive write.