Relationships are hard sometimes and the destructive ones are best being left in the dark, even if it's the immediate family.......

It's not about me!


If you could see

the damage it did

All the pain it caused

when you closed the lid


Then you wouldn't act this way


If you could see

Beyond thee


Then you wouldn't act this way


You can't

I can see that now

Doesn't matter to me anyhow

Not anymore

even though it used to before


If you could see

That you did this to thee

not me


Then you really wouldn't be acting this way !


Poetry by Hagzissa
Read 1304 times
Written on 2008-04-19 at 22:26

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Good Write from another's perspective..

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Jeanette a powerful statement some times there is no other way to say it than come straight out other wise misconceptions are apt to take matters beyond reason well done rgds Mike
hope its sorted now my friend

Kathy Lockhart
Those who must see choose to be blind while pointing fingers at others. I am glad you are able to put it behind you. 'Cast not ye pearls before swine.' : )

Long time no see Hagrissa!
I like your words, and can relate so completely. Good read.