:)...this is dedicated to everyone who reads this poem

Received One Applaud!

One fine day
I stumbled upon poetbay.
My dream come true,my fantasy!
my ecstacy,my reality
I realised I could write my rhyme
come back to it from time to time
read some texts and write a few
and even though I am brand new
to this kind of thing I do assure
I will keep writing more and more
Till I achieve a thing or two
Great poets are very few
and as I end my feeble rhyme
I hope you've had a jolly good time!


Poetry by Reeti Roy
Read 1162 times
Written on 2007-11-20 at 16:00

Tags Dedication  Feeling  Happiness 

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Welcome so you are , let your words do the talking , we will do
the listening , so we will, All the best , Ken D Williams

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Good luck to you and welcome? I hope you have a happy and creative time here

Elle x