Phil Heath literally made this field look like amatuers as he blew away the competition at the Ironman Pro OOPS "competition" well let's change that to the other guys there LOL.

The First Show of the Year The Ironman Pro

There was no speculation
no room to rift
There wasn't anyone
even close to the Gift

This is the first of the year
Bodybuilding year beginning
Surprisingly it was stack with talent
the Ironman Pro

The Gift came out and
from Prejudging it was
lights out
there was no room for
question no room for doubt

He went in with one
he wanted to add size
to his freaky condition

When I saw him Holy S***
was all I could muster as a reaction
not only did he come in spot on
but with the additional size
he surpassed Dexter Jackson

He will be at the Arnold
with Victor and Dexter
that will make it the year's
best show
that will give him time to
tighten up but not enough
time to grow

I can imagine him looking
any better
all I have to say is
watch out Victor
watch out Dexter

If the Ironman Pro is
any indication THE GIFT IS HERE
and thanks to him it's going
to be an exciting bodybuilding year....

I doubt if this will be my last congrats of the year.

Poetry by Will
Read 875 times
Written on 2008-02-22 at 20:17

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