F*** This

So many times
I want to say
F*** This
Family friends
if I had one wish

Is that you could
be happy and
taken cared of
without me
but I continue to
be that man I
have to be

But my son would
be the one person
That I'd terribly miss
but it's hard sometimes
not to feel like F*** This

Some of my friends are
my strength also but they
often get me pist
to the point where I
want to say F*** this

but I know I won't
because I know I've pist
them off too
but whatever we all
do what we must do

I was just venting writing
but I pray or have on wish
that I never get feed up
enough to actually say

Poetry by Will
Read 1000 times
Written on 2008-03-03 at 17:59

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Kathy Lockhart
I have those days myself Will. It's those times, I tend to draw back within myself and find a dark room to languish in. Your power is more than just in your muscles; it's in your mind as well!

well well as if I don't think that alot myself exspecialy when I feel my heart being ripped apart by those who say they love me and the same ones that I love wholely great write even though this did hit home to me.

John Lambremont, Sr.
Better to be pissed off
than pissed on

we all have pent up feelings that need to be expressed somehow. and, in the end, words are just words. it is how we shape them, use them, define them, abuse them that gives them meaning.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Think we all get moments like this - we're human after all, with all our faults and failings - but sometimes we have to smile at ourselves and maybe say that word to ourselves, have a grin and love our nearest and dearest.

Elle x