...bored I guess...

came online at 1 am today..donno why..bored i guess
watched videos of nris today..donno why...bored i guess
facebook quizes..ur poetry and mine..donno why..bored i guess
now even tho i do these things pretty often
I should have slept to stop all the coughin'

read mug boys blog today..donno why..bored i guess
watched a repeat of a hindi movie today..donno why..bored i guess
ate chilli surprise popcorn today..donno why..bored i guess
now even tho these three things are things I've never done before
I did them out of a routine which i don seem to be following anymore

Poetry by Puddled
Read 705 times
Written on 2008-03-04 at 08:03

Tags Boredom  Nonsense 

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Sometimes we do things as in a rota - then afterwards wonder why - thought this explained very well those moments when boredom hits

Elle x