Of '09

Zoey Jane

Meet with fate

Faith tumbles

Unless ur driven there in a larger Alto

U gotta stick to Sterofonics

Maybe tomo

Maybe a crash

Maybe just maybe

Hope will live


Zoey jane masks her way outta the crowd

Hoodless she wanders

One day, just for a day the mad woman made her appearance

And she had to take shelter in other caves

Homely ones, mossy ones

A hint of chicken brought her out

Hiding behind the veil is outta style

Dude! try a new wedding dress

The foo comparison doesn’t work tonight


So food it is

Horlicks is less addictive

Wine is clinking its way closer

Rum’s lost it’s whine

Vodka’s too special

So we’ll save it for beer


Birthday cheer?

Sure, my dear

Wine and champagne are too porshe for our wallets

So maybe just beer


And the company’s dwindling

There’s a graduation tingling


You blame me for shots

I claim you lost lots

On Maybe’s and Pretenders

A black and red dress

Posted to the wrong address


And what’s with the wannabe-ness of bridesmaids

I shall not pass you the bouquet! Thank u very much!

I love the smell of daisys! Will keep them till they wilt

Even if it means an addition to mess!


I guess that’s why I wanted Eyre’s private wedding to work

Keep Zo at bay

However, the violence doesn’t abate

It started on the 2nd

Will go on till the 18th

And possibly the 6th as well

But dates can’t be marked off a calendar like lines off a palm

I need stronger leaves

Newer ones says Jane


Boston, Italy and Vancouver have been tried

Too many fingers in very hot pies


Where’s class when bank books are flying to Vegas?

Where’s grass when Sisters are halfway to bogus!


I’d rather shut out my Zoey says Jane

I’d rather not give up dark cirles

But what’s with the nose the size of four toes?

No wonder your wollens are fiends with mittens!

Poetry by Puddled
Read 1427 times
Written on 2009-01-30 at 19:51

Tags Loss  Start  Postfeminism 

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