Lessons of Darkness

Lecons de Tenebres

In soft darkness my aura of sadness emanates.
O'er cresting notes my lonely whistle treads.
Night birds sing to me their potentate
And lull the drifting images in my head.

All this my emptiness devours,
It feeds upon such times and moods.
My youthful optimism cowers;
Ideals tonight are mere exotic foods.

Do not look for me 'neath street lamps.
I shun the light, as wolves would shun a fire,
Preferring the company of street tramps,
Who seem to understand a man's desires.

So foolish are the rash, deceiving hearts,
Which convince our minds that love is rare,
For not infrequently a couple parts,
Never realizing the secret was to care.

Poetry by Brian Oarr
Read 624 times
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Written on 2009-02-18 at 07:15

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I love the lessons your shadows teach. I especially like the lines about the street tramps and how the lowly sometimes seem to have a special understanding of things. Very well-composed quatrains with natural-sounding rhymes and half-rhymes. Good job.

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Rob Graber
A very engaging write; I find stanza three especially fine, with 9 line an effective pivot for the poem as a whole.