How I feel when I think about that day....


I am speech less-
Less speech.
This thing....
I cannot say it,
only think it.
It leaves me

You said.
I agreed.
We went.
You turned.
I turned.
Telepathical silence.
Now,I am speechless.

Who was it that said it?
That a multitude is said,
Amidst the greatest silence?
What was this fate
That our paths crossed....
To bring silence
In my shattered world-
To make me see
What others see not.

You saw.
I felt.We knew.
This our secret it is.
When together we are..
Less speech.
Speech less.
I am speechless.

Poetry by she
Read 1000 times
star mini Editors' choice
Written on 2006-02-03 at 08:28

Tags Nostalgia 

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
In this poem I see much , I thought not of love . I thought of events , of two people seeing a light in the eyes of each other. Seeing in each other a common goal .Of hope , walking side by side. I love this poem , as you can read it has a story building with in me.

Welcome to the 'Bay'.
Ken D Williams

Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
Very pure expression; Thank You.

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry website.

I saw one typo in there 'thing' instead of think she! falling in love is a wonderfully private telepathic thing.

When the souls entwine i
n the hearts of the sublime.
They are always together.
Forever in time.

Speechless is the key
Silence just breaths loves song.

Love your style


Malin Johansson
Very good poem... I got some pictures in my head when I red this...

Zoya Zaidi
That is what it leaves me!


Dear SHE!

(Are you sure you have just joined, haven't I seen that 'SHE' before?...De'-ja' vu...?)

xxx, Zoya

liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
I agree with Rik.
It is a very well written poem
Welcome to the bay ^_^

Rik The PoetBay support member heart!

I have read this many times. Every time teases a shiver from me. There are ghosts here, lurking between every word. This is beautifully wrought and very clever.

A tantalising secret. Its whispers echo in my past. I can't quite explain it, like seeing a familiar face dancing in a crowded street, one second it was there and then it's gone but not the feelings. The feelings linger like those felt when you wake abruptly from an intense dream.

I think i will just have to read it a few more times.

Thank you :-)