It Was Just a .....
I was walking ForwardAs i heard a voice
I turned around
And there she was
running towards me
Came strait in my arms
I held her gently tight
Could not let her go
I held her in the air
I said
My Love
What took you soo long
She said
I am here now
And we shall never depart
My God
She's here
In my arms
Even God wept
For it started to rain
It washed away my tears
It took away all my pain.
My God
She's here
She's in my arms
BUT then something happened
Wish it never did
My eyelids departed
My God
She's not here
It was just a Dream
She never came
It never rained
It was just a dream
My only DREAM
Poetry by Hamzah Khan
Read 1167 times
Written on 2006-02-07 at 10:37
Tags Arms  Dream  Love 
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