Inspired by Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre when Jane is living at Gateshead.
my shelter is my shield
fend off dreaded music
music of the oboe
sung by the reed.
Tome fortifies me
History of others sets me free
flight of British Birds
always at arms length
Bewick is my God.
Poetry by Crake
Read 610 times
Written on 2009-07-30 at 21:25
Tags Eyre  Bronte  Bewick 
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Shepherd in the Night
Chilly wind rules outsidemy shelter is my shield
fend off dreaded music
music of the oboe
sung by the reed.
Tome fortifies me
History of others sets me free
flight of British Birds
always at arms length
Bewick is my God.
Poetry by Crake
Read 610 times
Written on 2009-07-30 at 21:25
Tags Eyre  Bronte  Bewick 
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