Once he leaves you dont know whats going on....
My bags and all
Kicked to the curb
Onto the edge of youre world
Everything is blurred
I dont know if I should just take one step to far
And fall of youre world
Since I don't know if there will be a shooting star
That will bring me back
I don't know if you want me gone
And make me just another memorie
That you no longer want
Or you just want me to lay around
Waiting for you to come back
And pick me up yet once again
I am on the road again
Poetry by Courtney Marie Marion
Read 1226 times
Written on 2009-09-06 at 04:34
Tags Broken  Love  Dust 
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On the Road Agiain
I'm left in the dustMy bags and all
Kicked to the curb
Onto the edge of youre world
Everything is blurred
I dont know if I should just take one step to far
And fall of youre world
Since I don't know if there will be a shooting star
That will bring me back
I don't know if you want me gone
And make me just another memorie
That you no longer want
Or you just want me to lay around
Waiting for you to come back
And pick me up yet once again
I am on the road again
Poetry by Courtney Marie Marion
Read 1226 times
Written on 2009-09-06 at 04:34
Tags Broken  Love  Dust