Letting My Mind Fly (poetryslam)


Sitting here thinking
letting my mind fly again.....fly.....yeah
springs coming...
and the stuff we planned never happened
but new do all the time
during the bad times I hold my breath
like buds come to flowers
nature's pumping power
during the good I exhale
spring's coming bugs in the air
raids over europe
siren's wail
checking out the new hi-tech armageddon toys
finally some sense of respect
bombing a city
feeling the sense of respect hitting
Oh.....someone died?
fuck.....yeah fuck
had no respect had to fuck myself in the pink oval orifice
just to prove the other side was worse than I am
the militant forces gather shouting screaming proving themselves
to be assholes.....ass...thought that was a nice ringing word
round appleshapes around the world
I thought sex was for love


Poetry by LordParzifal
Read 1380 times
Written on 2009-09-24 at 23:22

Tags Sex  Depression  Poetryslam 

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Then I recommend you grow up and read
some Bukowski unless theyve censored it
in Putinland

I dont take shit from anyone

Be well,

Joan Black
Again you're swearing!

This was written during the Bush years


it has a reference to that before the Backlash the bad side of feminism almost made it a world war III between the genders
I'm more of a hippie feminist as it was before the 90s

I have great hope in Obama
not in our Persson in sweden or Bush & Blair
earlier, was a catastrophy, IT bubble a.s.o.

Be well,

Yes sex is for love...and I had hope that the fighting would cease, but the oval office seems to have the same square peg trying to stay in it...I am very dissappointed too. Not sure about the sex link? lol or are we on different planes here?

Great letting go...God I wish I could occasionally!!! lol

Off to bed to dream a poetry slam in my best muses flair!
