For the days I forget to Live

Days of Darkness
as I call it
My Hibernation
as a snake full of poison
I fill myself with hatred
the disappointments of Life
I stay there thinking
seeking answers
making assumptions

the more I go inside
the shade becomes more dark
I curse the philosophers
For seeing life so easy
I term their philosophies
the product of coward ness
is there anyone who can not blah blah???
if life was too easy to live
why did they choose to be saint???

then I remember,
the face of that cheerful girl
so good at making others laugh
then I make my own philosophy
live the day as it comes
things doesn't look beautiful
unless you see it beautiful
things are not worthy
unless you buy it
and when you do,
you will enjoy the Black

Like I am enjoying it now
spreading it in the white sheet

Poetry by White
Read 460 times
Written on 2009-10-25 at 16:42

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