For the love of my life...

give me Red..

is the word i feel for you
You shine like a sun
in a gloomy day in my life
Giving me the warmth
of your love

I love you
makes sense for the first time
can feel it in my heart
so strong for the first time

I was running after illusions after illusion
confusing little stars with a moon
i was tired but still had hope
someday i would find my fire
and you shine like a sun
in a gloomy day in my life

you make me so strong
you make me so happy
you make me so alive
that i would take any risk
i would pour some more tears for you
i would feel some more heartache for you
i would wait a little longer
untill we find ourselves in each others embrace

Eventhough a day is like a year without you
Just the thought of us
lights me up
brings the energy in my body and soul
it vibrates my nerves

with you its all sunshine
not a sign of dullness
you have woken me up from the hibernation
now i don't want to sleep
i want to sing and dance in the coldest rain

Poetry by White
Read 789 times
Written on 2012-05-07 at 15:36

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
WOW...sounds like to me that you have found LOVE...

enjoyed reading about it

xxx Stan