on the occasion of her 31st birthday~

For Elizabeth

It's early in the morning
I cannot sleep again
Ideas and thoughts bombard me
I struggle now to pen

Memories bright and vivid
Seem not so long ago
I held you, darling daughter
The years, where did they go?

Sweet day of your arrival
So precious to my heart
My love for you eternal
Never to depart

I counted little fingers,
Traced your puckered lip
Mother child connection
A bond that held it's grip

Images in photographs
Now sepia tinted time
Cast a soft remembrance
When I was in my prime

Sand runs through the hour glass
Moments fade away
It matters not how old you are
I'll love you more each day

Poetry by BlueyedSoul
Read 1110 times
Written on 2010-02-02 at 20:46

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Princess Charles
Beautiful. And very good work with the rhythm and rhyme.

this is absolutely a write from your heart&soul
Memory lane,when time goes and next thing
you know,there all grown!!
brought tears to my eyes..very touching
Like the nurses told me wtih my first born
Enjoy this time of babyhood,they grow up
in a flash...lovely write

C :)