Thinking of the world, it was raining and I think too much.

Running Tears

Transparent footsteps
rhyme with the pavement,
opaque rain obscuring vision
of anything worthwhile.

Outnumbered moisture
writhes and snakes
its way down the grey
glass reflection.

How can outside be inside?
the tear manufacturer
alerted, brings water
to the well of humanity.

I think too much.

Poetry by shells
Read 767 times
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Written on 2010-07-31 at 13:10

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StillHoppin The PoetBay support member heart!
This floored me. The last line of it is perfect. All of it is perfect (but for the mention of snakes ;). It has been raining all day here, so it was a perfect read for me at the moment. Simply excellent. (applause)

liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
The title grabbed me
and the flow & imagery
of your words kept me
reading until the end.

I really enjoyed reading this


Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Bringing water to the well of humanity...!!!

No, that's not thinking too much...that's thinking (and writing) beautifully

xxx Stan

Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
Someone accused me once of thinking too much, to which I responded; "no, I think." I will say that I like Nick's take on it though, and perhaps that is one rare place where over-thinking can lead to us to become stuck or lost.

I think this is a great poem, thanks for sharing it with us.

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry web site.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
We are who we are ,
'Cos we think ,
Tear's are the waters ,
That washes out the pains ,
And cleanses us ,
Shows others that we do indeed ,
More than empathise ,
That we feel their pain
Ken ( D Williams )

On this day you have thought neither too much, nor not enough. Then again, I tend to believe we can never think too much so long as we're not retracing our steps so much that we leave ruts.
This is splendid.
Thanks, Nick

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
You can never think too much when you produce a poem of this quality and the person reading it says' yeah, thats exactly it' :-)

Elle x

You are an inventor, a creator of reflection; most miss all you ponder! Great minds remind us of the simple matters in this realm that slip pass the blinking of an eye. Great observation from a mind's eye. Well expressed and the timing is perfect. Stroll in the rain anyone??!!?? And no, you don't think too much.

That's what compels a writer to write, isn't it? Being in the world, seeing it, observing—having thoughts assemble themselves into something almost tangible, then coming in, home, and putting it into words. This is vivid, dare I say—poetic.
