
Let me linger here in my shadow
Leave me behind, I'll be fine

The happiness in sunlight that could take my shadow away,
it scares me,
and therefore you scare me,
that sunlight follows your every step,
it walks hand in hand with your fate and future.

But however I will not let it blind me,
I flee like the vampire I've become.

I hope you find a life to enlighten,
someone who doesn't cast a shadow
someone who will slay the vampire that you remember.
Let me be a dead memory,
a undead cursed soul, pierced through the heart with a stake.

The shadow tells me to hide from you
to fear your light, to fear my doom.
Yet all I want is to get close to you... I can suck your blood...

Poetry by Peter
Read 1543 times
Written on 2006-03-04 at 13:22

Tags Vampire  Love  Shadow 

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Wonderful and dark! ;)




Oh! I love this poem!! I am VERY into Vampires and that sort of thing---this is almost erotic to me...:)

Veld Cooper
Fantastic, Peter - dark, deep and a twist at the end!

It's nice!
"The shadow tells me to hide from you
to fear your light, to fear my doom.
Yet all I want is to get close to you... I can suck your blood... "

Yet, love is worth a sacrifice..