Every suggestion to improve the english is welcomed


it was a beautiful thought

like a holy truth
it was left to itself

about the goodness
that comes with
every newborn child

a new life
not touched
by the evil of this world

the utmost legitimacy
of hope


there were these
undefined things about the child

that alienated look sometimes;
a cold absense could pass by;
a sudden emotional eruption;

an innate impulse of
vague and unfinished contexts
that wanted to enter
into the new one

and the pain to be
an [unwanted] wegde
in that beautiful thought

which never should be left by itself

[and the adults continued their habits
tiptoeing by the closed doors]

Poetry by Telesforos
Read 1488 times
Written on 2006-03-29 at 12:11

Tags Hope  Evil  Child 

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there was these - there were these
abscense - absence

that's all I have to note as to the spelling. Though it feels nasty to check the spelling in a text that goes very deep into the heart and mind.