
I wish we could lie under a blanket
In a house gone cold.
Breathe in each other,
Get lost, between the mad and mental.
Be silent.

I wish you'd feel enough,
Yet not too much.
I'd cover up your pain,
With a brush dipped in fabulous colors.
If I could.

There's no other world but our own
Or so they claim.
But when the figurines made out of clay
Go dancing in the shadows,
We know better.
No thought, no action.

Yet you live and have ghosts in your room,
They don't whisper -
They are glued to the wall,
Not daring to move;
I don't dare to move,
As I can save or kill you.

And I'd rather be still,
Still with you and your ghosts.

Poetry by FrancescaLuca
Read 951 times
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Written on 2018-11-01 at 22:45

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Rob Graber
Hauntingly romantic. If only others would feel as we want them too! Or maybe not...

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the home page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry website

The poem's beginning is indeed strong --- you capture the reader's attention right away! --- and the subsequent lines don't let us down. Excellent work.

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
I like this poem. The first four lines, though, I love. They stand as a poem alone.