New year's hope

So many things....
So many great things...
Countless things...
Countless tears..

Such great things...
Such great friends...
Too many of things...
Too many of pains...

But amazing things...
But amazing friends...
They were there
They have been since I knew them

They are full of love and acceptance.
They are full of craziness and they are ridiculous
Which is why I fit so perfectly into the bunch.
Which is why I'm inspired to do the same for people.

They are such a great group.
It doesn't make sense that we're all friends.
We have so many differences and tastes that range from non-fiction to anime to Doctor Who to emo music and batman and tastes in clothes from skirts and dresses to sweat pants and pulled back hair.
It is a true miracle we haven't all killed each other yet.

I expect it to be something like the hunger games...
Violence and true love and betrail and respect....
It's all just waiting.
All of it again.

It's right around the corner.
Just in a couple of hours starts a new year.
a year that will be filled with more crazy and art and love than the one before it.
Maybe after time it will be a cycle.

Maybe even a vicious one.
Love each other, laugh, cry, pray love.
Over and over until forever ends.
Here's to the new year

Poetry by Sarah Parnes
Read 819 times
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Written on 2014-01-01 at 04:31

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