Wishes of a five year old girl.

I wish...

I wish my hair was like a rainbow,
Flowing in a spectrum,
Twirling around a unicorn's horn,
Into a never ending pot of gold.

I wish I could raise my hand,
Far up high to reach the sky,
Tear away a chunk of a cloud,
Gobble it up like a marshmallow.

I wish my teddy bear would speak,
And tell me about all his adventures,
Of how he danced with the fairies,
Wagging his fluffy, little tail.

I wish this tree was taller,
And this swing would never stop moving,
The melody of my mother's laughs continue forever,
As she pushes me higher and higher.

I wish they could see,
What I am looking at right now,
A bland space I am to enter,
With my crayons to color it.

I wish I would never lose my paints,
And keep splashing iridescence,
And that tiny, twinkling star,
Would keep winking gleefully at me.


Poetry by Saniya Fayaz
Read 807 times
Written on 2014-04-21 at 10:08

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Farah Khalid
I wanna be a child again.. you brought back my imaginations.. Beautiful work..

Truly a beautiful poem full or colors and wishes. Lovely to read.

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
A delight to read!Well written:)

Nabeela Altaf
This is awsome!!

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
You brought me back to those days where colour was wonderful, thank you
