On Learning Of A Friend In Hospice


We should cut the sunlit branches of blossoms

   Li Ch'ing-chao, "When The Plums By The

                             Back Pavilion Bloomed"




The dying dogwood tree hasn't flowered

Since early spring, and now, late autumn,

After a week of cold rain, all day the sun

Stays in its stark branches, and I break

A twig, take it in to a pale green celadon

Vase, set it on the full-moon window sill,

And all night it is filled with blossoms.


Poetry by countryfog
Read 1383 times
Written on 2015-11-06 at 14:23

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Thank you so much for this poem.

Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
Great stuff. Quite ceremonious and meaningful.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
This touching, Fog. You've picked, and employed, a perfect metaphor, perfectly.

Very moving, very beautiful :-) :>)

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
your ability to put it into to words something so difficult, so simply, is inspirational to me as a (so-called) writer. somehow the word "celadon" makes the poem perfect.

I found this poem of beauty deeply moving in it's simplicity and meaning.

I love this

I assume from the title that this poem is a poem of grief and an expression of respect and homage to your friend. What better way to do this than by creating something beautiful, something simple and natural like a Zen flower arrangement--or in this case, a single dogwood branch in a vase. It is rituals like this that give meaning, form, and expression to emotions beyond mere words.