To A Grieving Friend


Ay, on the shores of darkness there is light,

And precipices show untrodden green.

    John Keats, To Homer




After days of rain, hard frosts and thaws,

High and low a part of the cutbank has

Slipped into the stream, leaving nothing

To say it had ever been there but for mud

Covering for now the shallow stones and

Darkening the deeper pools, settling only

Briefly until water from the spring-source

Will carry and clear everything before it.

Where land has broken away, a new path

To take me farther on though out of my way.

Still, nothing is lost but something is gained:

Wind and rain have more space now, birds

A little more air and light, the cottonwoods

Closer now to the water they had leaned to,

The stream less bounded yet more deeply rooted.

Always in the taking is a receiving.  There is

No turning back now, only going on from here,

Remembering the old way, learning the new.

Poetry by countryfog
Read 1416 times
Written on 2015-10-29 at 15:46

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My friend, I'm sorry for your friend's loss; condolences from all at BBP.
The quote from Keats is a beautiful beginning. The description of the bank and the stream is vivid; I can picture it in my mind. I like the way the poem opens out in the second half, taking in birds and generally more of nature. The conclusion offers comfort while conveying your faith in your friend's ability to carry on. Applause from FT and Ms Bird (-:>)

Peter Humphreys
Beautifully and tenderly expressed. Peter

This is an absolutely beautiful poem

Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
A wonderful way of explaining the naturalness of things being taken from us. You cannot grieve nature, it is a force that has its own purpose. Very nice :)

It is both beautiful and inspiring and a whole lot more:)

This is the most hopeful obituary I have ever read. Beautiful and perfect.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
This is quite nice, Fog. It acknowledges the loss, but is hopeful.

Me too Josephus. I am sure your grieving friend will be comforted by this, such a lovely message, right through to the final line.

josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
I would like this read at my funeral.