I Love You Alright

I Love you Alright
Like a Fish loves to fry
Like a mouse loves the Cat
Like a Dolphin loves the dry

Like A Pig loves Bacon
Like a Snowman loves the Sun
Like a Tree loves a Chainsaw
Like a Sloth loves to run

Like a Tiger loves the Zoo
Thats how much I love you......


Poetry by Yanto
Read 587 times
Written on 2016-01-07 at 22:14

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
Very good. This is how we would love to respond to persistent need for confirmation sometimes :)

I agree with Nancy, bitter. Scathing enjoyable read.

Nancy Sikora
It's like the wonderfully bitter, grownup version of a childrens poem, witty, clever and cynical. So of course I love it.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
This is very amusing. We've all been there.

interesting read...the other always seems like a predator but there is no escape....

Wonderful rhyming scheme and, of course, a lovely love poem! :)

Haha I was fooled by the title but I love the poem.
The bacon and son rhyme though. I don't know just something about that seems off. Good poem nontheless

Haha I was fooled by the title but I love the poem.
The bacon and son rhyme though. I don't know just something about that seems off. Good poem nontheless