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Alan J Ripley

71 years old from UK

Archive - September - 2023

Now Baking (1) - 2023-09-28
Rooms - 2023-09-17
Unknown truths (1) - 2023-09-05
Don't be unkind make it rhyme - 2023-09-02
Almost friends - 2023-09-02
Pets - 2023-09-03
QWERTY - 2023-09-04
SO WHAT AM I GOOD AT - 2023-09-13
Penultimate - 2023-09-18
DYSLEXIC HAIKU 7 - 2023-09-18
Time to write - 2023-09-26
Scalped - 2023-09-25
Short cycle small sin - 2023-09-24