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Aisha Razem

70 years old from Jordan

The latest comments that Aisha Razem has written.

Move on

I like it ... touched my tears ... it is a big question !!!
we all are confused in front of this fact !!!
appreciated piece of poem

diatribe assault wind

Yes Bob ...
Someone should find a way to rename the birds slaughterer ...
might be loud and clear shown upon the high mountains ... and secrets revealed in front of Tall bright Judge . brfore falling in eternal sleep .

Driven Off The Road

Oh my ...... Oh God ....... What a disaster of ending arms & screams for help !!!!!! U r crazy but what ? Wise enough to implement poetic story in this piece , I felt so sad melted with tears

Right Wrong

Always in need for feelings as u dropped in frame of poetry , flying words towards , towards whom ? Humans who diggggs not for love but for lost concepts as you mentioned poetically

Never again

Never again , but will never stop in such pulsing heart through poetry , touching I felt it

A Sad Remembrance

Just saying everything in short wink as quick smile , but made sad


Oh my God
I read this only three times to remember me .

start waving in the air
blooms that through
my window of the room
that open is , i sit far
away from my home
in the land that keeps me
in solitude in a land alien ,
sun of the noon turns
evening's sun, i am reminded

I remembered all shattered faces of homes

At the Hospice

impressing through the veins of our running life , it is inserting ur emotions to tearing the blankets on our warm beds to escape towards the cold wind , so we might sense .

very touching



The supermen


(((( Oh My..... what a disruption of my heart in the word's truth by a poet !!! put me in the sky searching the moon who may be still zipped in his sleeping bag. or God who love and praise the tidied up souls in this Semitic soldier 's trigger, in fake in fake in fake claims of preferable land or paradise on cemetery of optimistic hearts !!!

it is firm Firm and high shouting fact

God the same one




Shame on you Israel

My dear Bob

I'm so sad not read your Poem yesterday, I felt like smashing some of my glass eyes between my actual vision, putting the eternal bet of( Natooori Karta ) to rise in our space, may be they will reveal the hidden Jewish broken hearts for what is covering our lives, is only fear and blood, I appreciate so much this piece of verse, I will send u my letter to the whole writers in the world, hope to read my dear.
Regards from smashed ceiling and burnt heart covered by prayers

Madly in Love

Marlinda dear
either , you are in love deep this way of writing , or you only want the written words to hold thosw tender fragranced feelings to splash over , you 've done the impact of emotional poetry right away , you deserve my comment since you pulled me tp read your piece in here .

The Irony of War

my dearest

The eyes flush the sadness
Over the children
Who draw by pain
And every bodies vein
By the threads of sorrow
For the Israelis plot
To feed the greed
In their bowels
And blow the clot
that was
made by bullets of glut

Colonel Blood.

had to read this carefully , until I found the wisdom , the philosophy of the politic you claimed you do not admire you the poet admired already more than flat politics !

it is some thing I admired

the light is on

that's more than enough , lovely & Satisfying



To Lose a Child

this is the first time i touch the hissing of ( mother's poems in fact to put truth squeesed like this )
you wrote it , you know it exactly , you expressed what is furtherer , thanks in poetry to stand


Remember Always

Yes My dear

it is so ..... where ever you step , where ever you smile to this life , you would not catch the dream expetations !!
Always is eternity
A promise of forever
To promise with such certainty
Is a delicate endeavor)))))

that's true



(((((( E nmity, or blameless be, for any cause of harm to another.
N either prince nor pauper needs not to offer an
E nemy a hand of peace and love. The symbol of the dove
S oaring with olive branch in beak is truly what we all ))))))
What a great human's heart lives inside this woman you ?
I felt in the words, approaching your beloved blessed mind ! but they touched my soul before !! is there so many palm trees ( high, tall, you walking on earth ? I think you would be the green living roots sparkled on the hatred to melt the love by nonbread even.
Love Kathy

The Smile.

The candles flame is but a breath
That flickers in the night
As fragile as its beautiful
The smile becomes the light.

Beautiful , I wrote apoem about my morning candle, and I felt you wrote the one much tenderer and softer than mine !
I liked this
thanks for sharing the other's feelings
all the way of shining


Very attracting Picture, standing determined, that's the insight strength my dear!!

Give Me Some Grease Of The Silicone Kind by M.A.Meddings

You sparkle the words in thoughts of poetic method , so very surprising , the reader thinks he reads the symbol of the whole machines on earth now a days , but take him the complications as where have we been? And where have we gone???/
Specially the vehicle shown up!!!
In Poetry??? Something new to be wrote about!! I could c London or Germany while I was agrass to ease the wheels or grease , history essenced your word, and creativity, or your word & creativity essenced the history in Poetry!!
Thanks for this

Coffey lovers in miniskirts

Very short but fulfilled with young roses around the congested coffee places


Let Us Not Define This Feeling…

Zoya one of the most active women poets, in Love Poems through our hearts it comes your words, just like the cold dancing breeze to ease !!
You've done as always in your beauty and lightening the Indian women papers!!



The Poetry Demon Ate It with Fries and A Shake

I can c u shining even when u express the anger or not , Love is preventing such a beautiful Woman Poet like from slashing the words by even a tear !!
((((And then without a thought
He had it with fries and a shake.
I am sorry my darling
And I am angry as Hell
But all I can do
Is just wait and say, 'What the ...., Oh well.'
For I believe that the Expressions )))

Let's tango!

Tango is so good for you until you become one or two hundred years old not old. So please keep on Tango my son the 24 years talented Guy !!!
You will catch the thorn of the sky in this world's dance, but tango is all yours for ever even though !!!

So Beautiful by M.A.Meddings

Praise God..... How great to c both of u in such beauty of Poetry!! U both deserve my gift which I may send, and not by my words only, not very soon!!! But now immediately!!
Love you crazy Poets

Take care. . . Silence whispers

My Dearest
As I search the whole picture in your beautiful face, to Love any feature of the way contains all those precautions, I found the sensitive smiles covering spraying love to every step in this Poems!!
I thank ur poetry in emotions , or thank the emotions in your Poetry , I mean I found Both here !!

A Tale of Two Mothers

Really put me in... my reading meditation!!!!
I honor your Mother, sweet Lady of the words !!
You own the soft tender women on my palms to hold !!

When The Magnolia Flowers In Indiana by M.A.Meddings

My Dear :
So warm so soft so true
And the angels shone a light for us
Lit a penny candle for our life
Then as the candle burned lower and lower !!!
( Beautiful Loving Shadows Of Feelings )
I Loved That

Rattler by M.A.Meddings

Here In our spot on earth, close to space of( hatred ) desert of violence , we do not c rattlesnakes kill more human , we c them peeping in their holes shy and frightened to come over the ground !!
!!!! We see humans wearing rattle armed , tiger teeth ready to insert their ( cluster tongues ) through all the innocence!!turning the bodies to a rattlesnakes dresses on earth !
thank u so much
today am in gaza strip's sadness

Your Love Makes Me Whole (Valentine Special)

Oh my dear Zoya
You put the feelings in sparkling words on this Day!!!
This day is fake but makes a huge facts space for so many innocents, like it used to make for us since long long thousands of years ago !!
Thanks Zoya

What To Do?

No need to catch people and drag them to confess ( When you don't have results to show for the efforts)

No need to show but to do the best u can for feeling confident , even in a locked walls to show off your heart only !!( And no more to say to anyone;
Escape forever, so that nothing further hurts.)
Very true

Beauty of Nature

I like this poetic picture !!!! it is so clear in white scene .