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Member since 2006-09-04

Has received 1 applaud


I just like to live a little lustful life

Writing friends

i should

35 years old from Sweden

MY TEXTS, Archive 11 Texts

but I think you are wrong - 2006-11-12
realizing what rolling over really means - 2006-11-05
i'm not sure - 2006-11-05
and that's how I fell - 2006-11-05
i want to write you - 2006-11-05
crashing paper flakes - 2006-11-05
snälla - 2006-10-05
neverending (1) - 2006-09-14
foolproof (1) - 2006-09-10
realness (1) - 2006-09-04
bara för jag tycker du är söt - 2006-09-04

"is made of constructionpaper"