august twentyseventh

i'm not sure

i'm not sure
hey man, i
saw you last night and
i think it was in my dreams
you didn't speak but your face peeled off and you
wore a new warderobe

can you tell me if i'm good enough
to break your lemon-peel face
to break your chest, to, to
to speak the words you want to take with you down the hill
of endless laws of physics and
endless amounts of gravel
and questions about where we went to school and
saying hello to your friends while walking with a lacquered tree under your arm
somewhere in the crowd and you
dissappear like harry potter

i've had enough of everything that's leaving me with
one good intention and
a thousand good thoughts

i think i know what i'm feeling but i can't help to long for what i'm not

tell me it's good

Poetry by i should
Read 705 times
Written on 2006-11-05 at 22:43

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