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This world seems crazy to me, why invent a virus? don't we have enough ways of killing one another. stop the world I want to get off. I only have one fear in life, that is to die and then find out all my life I was living in heaven. Born late 20/11
out grew my family, who took slowness to answer back as ignorance on my part. dyslexia not known
or understood, only a substitute teacher in english
realised my creativity. sadly no others did. I was such a non entity, my last school report said although a little slow richard was bound to do well? when I find richard I will pass the message
This world seems crazy to me, why invent a virus? don't we have enough ways of killing one another. stop the world I want to get off. I only have one fear in life, that is to die and then find out all my life I was living in heaven. Born late 20/11
out grew my family, who took slowness to answer back as ignorance on my part. dyslexia not known
or understood, only a substitute teacher in english
realised my creativity. sadly no others did. I was such a non entity, my last school report said although a little slow richard was bound to do well? when I find richard I will pass the message
Alan J Ripley71 years old from UK |
TSUNAMIS - 2024-10-20
MY TEXTS, Archive 1067 Texts
THEN SUDDENLY (1) - 2024-07-11
FAMILY LIFE - 2024-07-08
What if (2) - 2024-07-06
GETTING ON (3) - 2024-07-05
NO REGRETS (1) - 2024-07-05
BUBBLE NO SQUEAK (1) - 2024-07-05
WATER RETENTION (1) - 2024-07-04
TONGUE IN CHEEK (A RUDE POEM) (2) - 2024-07-04
LOVERS (2) - 2024-07-04
Odd thought's on labels (1) - 2024-07-03
BEING QUIZZED (1) - 2024-07-03
NIGHT TERROR 10 - 2024-07-03
NIGHT TERROR 9 - 2024-07-02
NIGHT TERROR 8 - 2024-06-27
NIGHT TERROR 7 - 2024-06-26
NIGHT TERROR 6 - 2024-06-25
NIGHT TERROR 5 - 2024-06-24
NIGHT TERROR 4 - 2024-06-23
NIGHT TERROR 3 - 2024-06-22
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"Even if I was a kleptomaniac I couldn't steal myself away"