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TAG NAME Ireland

Love in evergreen (1) CC 2009-10-27
under our sun (3) Peter Humphreys 2007-05-29
just for me (2) Peter Humphreys 2007-05-24
monkey puzzle (2) Peter Humphreys 2007-05-20
after illness (2) Peter Humphreys 2007-05-05
today (4) Peter Humphreys 2007-05-04
Jimmy (3) Peter Humphreys 2007-04-30
croagh patrick (2) pic Peter Humphreys 2007-04-24
Casey's River (3) Peter Humphreys 2007-04-10
hooley king of the goolies (3) Peter Humphreys 2007-04-04
elder (3) pic Peter Humphreys 2007-04-04
day breaks (3) pic Peter Humphreys 2007-03-19
the piper (3) pic Peter Humphreys 2007-03-19
and boats slip by (3) pic Peter Humphreys 2007-03-15
bog people (1) pic Peter Humphreys 2007-03-12
living landscapes (1) pic Peter Humphreys 2007-03-12
childhood memories (3) pic Peter Humphreys 2007-03-11
a moment in Trinity College Dublin Peter Humphreys 2007-03-10
a rambler bent on heaven (1) pic Peter Humphreys 2007-03-08
river rue (2) pic Peter Humphreys 2007-02-20

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