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21. PERSEVERENCE (The Wind and I)-Zoya- Aliena-Elements Challenge-WIND
22. Sometimes I feel as light as the Air
23. Triumph Over Adversity!
24. Inexplicable Anguish...
25. Ram-Nam Tattoo (The Untouchables)
26. In Pursuit of Happiness
27. Life and Time
28. Love and Hate
29. Wintry Night

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Passion and Compassion by Zoya Zaidi
Poetry by
Zoya Zaidi

Life is full of ups and downs. Life is beautiful, enchanting, inspiring, sometimes it takes you on a long journey of passion and desire, sometimes the happiness, the ecstasy, the fulfillment is too short... Sometimes the agony is too deep, unbearable, unconquerable, sometimes it teaches you a lot... You see misery around you and you react to it, with all the compassion of you soul, soul that is disturbed by the plight of those suffering, low and down-trodden, sick , exploited and helpless, humiliated and insulted.. All these inspire you to put down your feelings, your thoughts on paper in red ink of your heart's blood... Some call it poetry...

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