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21. Caring and Sharing
22. Gently Do The Whispers Fall
23. Insomnia
27. The Boy by the Ganges
28. Who is Responsible?
29. Hark the silence speaks!
30. Boy in the Hammock
31. First Monsoon Shower
32. Rendezvous

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Joy and Sorrow by Zoya Ziadi
Poetry by
Zoya Zaidi

In the fabric of life the golden threads of joy and sorrow are woven to create a colourful tapestry of existence… In my poems I express my joy in existence, of loving and caring- of just being alive! The sorrows of my soul at the injustices meted out to women, exploitation of innocent vulnerable children and humiliation and discrimination of those living on the fringe of society… this book contains an assortment of selected poems.

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