The Battle with my Inner demons starts now.

The War

My battle plans are laid, now I cannot flee.
I stand up to the challenge, my adversary is ME.

I am my biggest nemesis, Caused me lot of pain.
I need to stand up to myself, to end this sad reign.

I know his greatest strengths: Memories, thoughts and despair.
To challenge I have hope, good plans with which now I dare.

Lethargy, Anxiety and Self-hate, will now have
to be fought
To achieve the goals I have, and make my enemy rot.

I don't need any weapons; I have the best weapon of all.
The goal of being happy, has made me immune to fall

I might not win every battle, I should not give up the thought.
TO survive against such a nemesis, many battles need be to be fought

Poetry by Kanak Vadhan
Read 1004 times
Written on 2016-05-23 at 13:19

Tags Fight  Anxiety  Suicide 

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great flow. good word choice for rhymes. a powerful message that is full of meaning. overall, excellent job!

This is excellent! By writing it down you are already beginning to win the battle. Keep on winning and don't let small set backs keep you down. I feel the determination in your words. You remind me of a much younger me ... and I won my battle.:-)