An ode to my friend ...
An Ode to a couple never together
A cheesy cringe worthy attempt to woo

An Ode to my Love....

We call each other Friends
but we know we are very much more.
Its been only a year now,
but why do i feel I know you ages before.

Your every smile delights,
your every message brightens
I am always scared about
the days without you which frighten.

I am scared this will end,
and to the the dark ages I go.
Life without you,
A life you don't want to know.

My every tantrum you bear,
every tear I shed you care,
I wish I could do the same,
I know for you I am not really there.

I know form you've heard it
I really do love you.
I know it isnt written
Us can never be one but two

Whoever you meet I pray
I hope they give you support.
I hop they would love you
Like your Bestie never would.

Poetry by Kanak Vadhan
Read 1047 times
Written on 2016-06-25 at 06:23

Tags Love  Friend  Missing 

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Kathy Lockhart
A very sweet, heartfelt poem for a friend. I can see the tenderness and truest love you have for this dear friend. Ode to my Love is Love! :) kathy