This is about the kid on my bus that sits across from me...


He sits there every morning
staring blankly outside
Huddling inside himself
Just wanting to hide

He seems so innocent,
just like a little child
But once we get to school
It's like he has gone wild

We never share a word
just a look or two
Then we glance away again
Not knowing what to do

I look into his eyes
and see an internal fight
But there is quiet understanding
saying that he will be alright

Words by IronicBanana
Read 1478 times
Written on 2006-06-03 at 17:23

Tags Bus  Understand 

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I hope he'll be alright, if this is who I think it is. He seems like a good kid stuck with a label that says "BE LOUD AND ANNOYING."

I am a "people watcher" too...I am always wondering what someone is thinking...nice job!