Bye bye!!!!! I will miss all of my buds so much!!!!!!!!!


My friends are slowly going
fading in the breeze
Losing all my buds but
getting rid of enemies
Another school year has gone by,
and I think much too fast
And all I want to do is
rewind back to the past
I remember all the good times
like the pudding incident
And when Sharon and Kaity
both wanted to be president
But all that is left are
lonely memories
But even those are leaving
on the coaxing breeze

Words by IronicBanana
Read 1351 times
Written on 2006-06-05 at 18:53

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awwww, I'll miss you too!!! i miss all my WAHS friends already and school's not even over!!! :( *sob* we have GOT to keep in touch, ok?

AWWW.. this was sad!!! a very nice poem for your friends!!!
amber lynn