Let us be free, my King

         I watch how your lips paint a smile
         as you close the distance between us
         my heart beats faster as time slows down
         in front of me is a man with nothing left
         I look you in the eyes and see a reflection
         of a theft

         of myself
         I was given of your everything
         that I feel its heaviness in my chest
         you were given of my everything
         that your mind and heart cannot rest

         a mess
         is what we are right now
         as you held my shaking hands
         letting me feel the warmth of your skin
         that should only be given to your Queen

         but my King
         your Queen, I am not
         for the whole world I do not want
         if one will become homeless
         and will cower in emptiness

         drowning alone
         in fears, in sadness, and in pain
         of learning how to swim once more
         in the sea full of held back tears
         and haunting memories

         so let us be free, my King
         we may have lost ourselves
         but we have not lost everything
         so ourselves, let us forgive
         and in love, let us continue to believe

Poetry by Rin
Read 591 times
Written on 2020-02-06 at 18:48

Tags Love  Pain 

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