Writing prompt from a poetry circle I started attending last week. Let me know if any of you want to join.

My Vice

My vice is not smoking or drinking or drugs.
It's an addiction to colouring outside the lines.
Whether it's purple or red or green,
It always overflowing from black outline.

My vice is like snowflakes on a really sunny day,
Or a blue fish in an orange ocean.
It's comfortable conversation with an absolute stranger,
Or blowing up a haunted house without the danger.

It's rolling in the grass outside your office building, 
Or entering a store just to steal silly string.
It's playing cricket at a turnstile;
It's wicked, without being vile.

There's rules I'm bending, without really breaking.
It's not enough to get me in jail,
But as a lady, I'd definitely fail.

Poetry by Inspired
Read 393 times
Written on 2020-10-03 at 19:24

Tags Lady  Vice  Deviant 

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