Written a while ago as a note to self
Read out at Well-Versed today under the theme 'Note to Your Younger Self'

Let's Complicate Things

Let's complicate things
Let's go get what we really want
Even if it messes things up

Let's get out of here
Let's run away
Doesn't matter where

This need to be needed is too strong
This craze to be crazy
To stand out,
To blend in,
To be better than who you are

No one can just let it be
Let it breathe

Be kind to yourself first
Stop torturing yourself with comparisons and compromises

Live your best life
Tell your best lie
Be honest with no one but yourself

You'd think I'd say it doesn't matter in the end
But it does
To me it does

Don't take away anything from here
Let the sun rise
Let the birds chirp
Let the darkness fade
But find a way to get what you want
Find a way to figure out what you want
Without getting held up on how long it took you to get here
Or how much further you still have to go

If you have even the faintest idea of what you want your life to be like
Go complicate things
Go shake things up

Until every naysayer falls off that tree
And you get to bite into that sweet sweet fruit
No, it didn't just fall into your lap
But it stayed there and you got it

And you did that for you.
Yes, that would be it, wouldn't it?
That would be the dream.

Poetry by Inspired
Read 380 times
Written on 2021-03-03 at 17:55

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