For the Planet challenge theme

The Outcast Planet

Jupiter broods in darkness
like a planetary outcast
He dwarfs the other planets
with gigantic mass and gravity
His surface bubbling mountains
of hydrogen and helium
There are no sounds to echo
his cries of loneliness

Jupiter spins in darkness
like a planetary outcast
He stares into the vast expanse
with frozen steely eyes
His core of rock is hardened
by eternal isolation
There are no signs of life
no beacon in the void

Poetry by Hans Bump
Read 384 times
Written on 2021-04-30 at 08:26

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There's a winsome parallelism and resolution to these two stanzas that I admire greatly. A fine poem!

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Admirably bleak.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Earth being the outcast
From the interplanetary
Ken D