Kevin’s Fantastic Powers

Kevin hides high in a tree by the lake,
watching as tourists walk by
A woman with binoculars yells
“Crazy Kid”, as she spots his
torn orange shirt.
He pretends that he’s invisible and
tightly holds his breath. His face
becomes a cardinal shade of red.

Kevin hides harder, extending his arms
so that they almost look like branches
The woman with binoculars scurries off
in a whirlwind of aged impatience
He shifts his weight to better see
a couple walking hand in hand
But it is late, his powers fade,
bringing him back down to earth.

Poetry by Hans Bump
Read 370 times
Written on 2021-05-07 at 05:30

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Very amusing.

Bibek The PoetBay support member heart!
Ah, poor Kevin! That must have been a painful fall. A fun and sad as well as engaging poetic narrative--enjoyed reading it. :)