This is a shorter version of a poem I wrote back in 2010. The full poem is available here:

The Captivity of Negativity

Life feels like the beginning of a fairytale,
when the fair maiden is trapped in a tall tower
by an ugly witch.
Or a cruel step mom makes her
scrub the floor, darn clothes, chop wood.
Or motionless slumber takes over,
leaving her in the middle of the woods
waiting for that one special kiss.

I sit here as if I have no choice but to sit here.
I work hard as if all I can do is work hard.
I talk to people as if I care,
as if they're the ones I want to be friends with
for the rest of my life.

I stay doing the things I know I don't want to be doing
simply because I don't know what it is
that I'd rather be doing.

I want to find out what it is that keeps me alive,
what makes me tick,
what makes me wake up every morning
and breathe through the day.
I talk of myself as a stranger.
I want to get to know me.

Poetry by Inspired
Read 356 times
Written on 2021-09-23 at 12:08

Tags Negative  Fairytales  Trapped 

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